
In the urban jungle, in the forest, in the park – you name the place, Seiklushunt is there. This autumn season’s Tartu recreational orienteering series kicks off on 4 September, when it’s worth scouting the orienteering spots on the banks of the Emajõgi River in the centre of Tartu. And so these locations will change every Wednesday for 10 weeks! What else can you do on a beautiful autumn evening?

Stebby likes people who are out there seeking for adventure, so we’ve teamed up with Seiklushunt to offer a range of prizes for this season!

  • Everyone who buys a Stebby ticket for at least six (6) of the recreational orienteering events will be rewarded with a €25 Stebby gift voucher on the last event!
  • At the end of the last stage, we will also find out the most active company with the highest number of the series participants – there will be a special prize for them too!


What’s so great about orienteering?

  1. First of all, you can do it all by yourself, with your family, with your dog or with whoever you want. Orienteering is a universal exercise for anyone who wants to make an evening walk more exciting or run for the high places. Join hundreds of participants on a unique trail every Wednesday.
  2. All you need is a good mood everything else you can get at the event. If you need to rent a chip or get advice on how to use the map, they’ll be happy to help you with anything at any event.
  3. Be prepared to get a boost in your health! If you want to get 150 minutes of high-paced exercise in the fresh air every week week, you’ll do half of that in one evening. Improving your health with your head and legs working together is guaranteed.

Read more on how to get acquainted with orienteering!

Does running seem boring to you? Make it interesting by trying orienteering!

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