
The summer season is not over yet and many of you will have been thinking about a trip across the border or to our beautiful Estonia to get away for a change of scenery for a while. How can you have a good time while travelling without sacrificing fitness or a healthy lifestyle?

Here are some tips on how to keep your body toned and feeling great, even when you’re away from home, so you have enough energy for every day.

The exercise known to all man-kind – walking

When travelling, it is often convenient to travel to destinations by taxi or other means of transport. However, if your destination is only a half-hour walk away, it is still worth combining health and culture and walking to your destination.

Walking around gives you a great opportunity to explore your surroundings and spot details that you would miss if you were traveling around in a car or bus.

Two little tips for walking. Number one – stairs are not the enemy. While a break is meant to be relaxing, stairs are usually not invincible and can help to get you active. So prefer stairs to lifts and you’ll burn extra calories.

Another good way to get around is to rent a bike and be the master of your own journey. A bike can often be quicker than a taxi or public transport and get you closer to places you can’t get to by car. 

Water is everything

Drinking water is the best travelling companion, especially if you’re heading to tropical climes.

As bottled water can be quite expensive or unavailable depending on the area, make sure you bring your own bottle before you go. That way you don’t have to depend on the local situation. A packable bottle or a cool thermos can save the day, as your body may notice too late if you’re constantly on the move. However, a lack of water can lead to feeling unwell or other health problems.

Drinking water also helps to prevent overeating, which is common when travelling. How much water you should drink during the day, and is the ancient science “two litres a day” actually enough, find out HERE.

Eat intuitively

A lot of travelling means a lot of movement, which leads to a high energy expenditure, which in turn leads to the risk of eating too little or too much.

In a tourist area, it’s easy to discover yourself in a cosy restaurant or pizza café with a wide choice of all the good and the good. However, before ordering, think about how you feel and your daily calorie intake.

Get to know your body and enjoy good, quality food for longer – it’s your body’s way of telling you when it’s time to stop. While the holidays are a time for letting go, returning with a few extra pounds may make you regret your decisions later. 

You could also pack a light snack for a day trip. Nuts, fruit, or a baroon will do the trick, making it easy to replenish your energy reserves if you get tired.

If nutrition is important to you, but you’re running out of ideas for a healthy diet, Stebby’s nutrition advisors will create a special plan for you to follow while you travel. See what’s on offer HERE.

Breakfast of champions

It’s a good idea to eat a proper breakfast before a long day of adventuring or even lounging on the beach.

While you may not eat breakfast at home, a lack of breakfast can leave a big mark when you’re hiking all day. As they say, breakfast is the most important part of the day!

Take your active footwear with you

If you’re active, always pack sportswear for your trip. You never know when you might get the chance to play your favourite sport in a unique and new place.

Remember, even a hotel room is no limit if you want to keep fit with some simple HIIT workouts or even yoga. If you find yourself by a body of water, swimming is one of the best ways to relax your muscles and give your whole body an overall workout. Exercising while travelling is a great way to clear your mind in a place you may never return to.

As with nutrition, you can always ask an expert for advice and training plans to help you plan your workouts wisely so you never miss a session. Find out more on Stebby HERE

Find time for yourself

Travelling isn’t always just about wandering around. If you’re used to finding a moment for yourself every day, don’t break your routine when you’re away from home.

Whether it’s a much-needed stretching session or a break with a book, do the important things that have always been part of your day. That way, it’s easier to get back into a routine.

Plan ahead and do the groundwork

Find out all the information you need about your destination. Think about even the little things for a moment. Is there a gym in the hotel or airport? What are the best sports facilities? Where do they serve local and fresh food? What are the cycling facilities?

Over-scheduling can be stressful, but knowing what’s possible can give you the freedom to take small breaks during the day to make the most of your trip. 

Dont push it

Finally, the timeless truth. Always know your body and don’t feel sorry for yourself. However, rest is a time for relaxation and discovery, and you can’t do everything at once. Make your holiday a memorable event so you can return to work refreshed and energised.

If you’re looking for adventures in Estonia or in other Baltic countries, you’ll find the widest range of relaxation and unique and active activities on Stebby.

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