Have you heard of EMS training? If you haven’t, you’re not aware of how revolutionary it can be in transforming our bodies and improving our exercise routines. At SLIMM, we like to say that EMS training is just like regular exercise, but on steroids. Sound interesting? Then read on, because we’ll tell you more about why below.
EMS workouts involve wearing an exercise vest that sends electrical impulses to the muscles, causing them to contract and relax, just like a traditional workout, but the impulses make it work much more efficiently. Instead of a 90-minute workout, you can get the same effective workout done in 20 minutes. To see the effectiveness of EMS training, you’ll need to try it for yourself, especially as a trial at SLIMM is just €29 and if you come to a workout (up to two at a time) with a new friend, they can come for free.
Rehabilitation and injury recovery
EMS training is ideal for anyone looking to improve muscle tone and balance. It’s also a good choice for those who suffer from a variety of joint pains and injuries, or who have little time for exercise. When you work for eight hours a day, spend another hour commuting to work, spend time going to the grocery store and cooking, and spend time with children and family, time pressure is a natural part of everyday life. That’s why EMS training is the perfect choice. After all, finding 20 minutes in your weekly schedule is much easier than finding at least an hour several times a week – it’s easy to find the time even before or after work, or even during your lunch break.
Compensation for muscle imbalances and reduction and improvement of (back) pains.
EMS allows targeted control of muscle groups. This is particularly important when it is necessary to compensate for muscle imbalances. For example, prolonged sitting at a desk leads to a shortening of the chest muscles with a simultaneous weakening of the shoulder and back muscles. Imbalances in the back, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are common ailments for many. With EMS training, these difficult muscle groups can be targeted and trained effectively. This is particularly true for imbalances and widespread back pain – exercise can make a significant contribution to alleviating the symptoms. At the same time, poor posture is corrected in a compensatory way, ultimately leading to improved posture and mobility. Stronger back = better posture.
The effects of regular EMS exercise on back pain are also confirmed by scientific studies.
A number of studies confirm that whole-body EMS training is an effective exercise regime for alleviating common back problems. We can confirm this on behalf of SLIMM Studio clients who have experienced pain relief and long-lasting results with just a few sessions. Because EMS activates the hard-to-reach deeper back muscle groups and all the major back muscles, studies have shown positive effects in reducing back pain.
- back pain was reduced in 88.7% of those surveyed.
- complaints were significantly reduced in 38.8% of cases.
- improvement in general complaints in 41.9% of cases
- the frequency and intensity of complaints also decreased sharply during exercise.
In addition, EMS training led to the following general effects:
- 61.4% of people reported an improvement in their overall complaint status
- 75.5% reported an improvement in their mood
- 69.4% felt energetic and stronger
- 57.1% of males and 85.7% of females perceived an improvement in body stability.
- 50% of the respondents reported a positive impact on their body contouring.
- 75.5% felt more relaxed after exercise.
When combined with other workouts, EMS training doubles the results.
EMS training is the ideal solution for men who want to improve and maximise their athletic performance, increase muscle mass or simply maintain their fitness through efficient and effective training. Strength is a limiting factor in many sports, for example, competitive sport combined with EMS training provides more explosive strength and also addresses specific areas and concerns to improve performance. As a result of all these factors, a number of sports clubs, such as FC Flora, also work with SLIMM.
Electrical muscle stimulation or EMS provides better muscle activation than many other traditional methods. As you may know, muscle growth requires contraction of muscle fibres – the more and deeper muscles you engage in your workout, the more you can do to grow muscle. The EMS method works 300 muscles at a time, making it a great addition to other workouts to increase muscle tone.
Study: does EMS training improve footballers’ performance?
Our findings in this study were that the 14-week seasonal WB-EMS course:
- Increased stroke speed by an average of 16%.
- Increased (maximum) strength performance by an average of 30%.
- Increased jumping performance by an average of 9%
- Increased speed and sprinting performance by 19% on average.
Regular EMS training gives positive results. Adding two dynamic WB-EMS training sessions to 6-7 football sessions per week will provide professional footballers with effective results in enhancing football performance.
The effects of combined EMS training:
- Developing muscle mass by stimulating several muscles at the same time (about 300 (core) muscles are working at the same time). Normally, only a few different muscles are exercised at a time, which is why an EMS workout lasts only 20 minutes.
- Improving strength and endurance with more intense impulse contractions that mimic the weight and where the personal trainer raises/lowers the weight according to the trainee, in a joint-friendly way because the weight is the impulse.
- Reducing body fat through fast and targeted exercise. As the impulse also passes through the adipose tissue and 300 muscles are working at the same time, the body uses more energy, resulting in a more intense reduction in body fat.
- Accelerate post-exercise recovery by increasing blood circulation and reducing muscle tension.
Different goals, different structure EMS workouts with a personal trainer – EMS workouts are suitable for exercisers from beginners to elite athletes because they allow you to adapt the intensity and structure of your workouts. A training plan is also created in collaboration with the personal trainer, taking into account the client’s objectives (including rehabilitation or injury problems).
Ideal for those who are short of time or have no interest in the gym – EMS training is also suitable for those for whom time constraints are a serious problem. Whether you’re a business leader, a busy family man or just a person with a busy schedule, you can fit 1-2x 20-minute workouts a week into your week to keep yourself fit.
Up to 3 people at a time, so you can also come with a partner – it’s always more motivating to work out together! There is also a personal training option if you prefer a completely 1-1 session with a personal trainer. However, an EMS workout that can accommodate up to 3 people is still personalised enough, so you don’t have to worry about the trainer slicing you up.
You don’t need to bring anything and you can come with two hands in your pockets – washing facilities, clothes, towels, water and everything else you need is already provided by us.
IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND – To ensure a safe and effective EMS training experience, it is important to choose a reputable and original EMS equipment with certified trainers!
The SLIMM studio uses XBody equipment, the flagship of EMS technology, which guarantees that trainers are officially trained in XBody EMS training, guaranteeing the best results and of course, with original EMS equipment.
Based on research, untested and imitated devices can be hazardous to health – it is important that sensors in EMS devices are reliable, as they are the ones that ensure controlled impulse ranges. In addition, the software and hardware must be checked, as working with an incompetent and untrained trainer, the impulses do not work as they should and often do not take into account the background of the trainee or orient the training programme towards the desired results.
At the SLIMM studio, you can be sure that the XBody equipment and trainers are state-of-the-art. You’ll find the latest generation of XBody equipment with even better feedback than the previous generation. Now the technology has advanced to the point where the machines are water and cord free, making your workout even more comfortable.

As part of Men’s Health Month, the men from Stebby also went to try out EMS training. Read more about their experience:
First training session
Randel and Siim both went into the EMS training without any expectations or preconceptions. The training surprised them 110%. They had no idea that a normal arm curl could be so difficult in EMS training. Everything they experienced and heard during the EMS training was new and interesting. Specifically how effective this short workout is on the body and how the effects continue after the workout. In addition, this workout doesn’t involve moving heavy weights and mindlessly plodding, but rather effective, guided and thoughtful exercises.
Emotions after trying EMS training
Both men had an extremely positive experience and their muscles were sore for several days. They have already promised to go again, and to get their friends and mates to go. Now that they know more about the workout, they have already set their goals for the next workout. Siim would definitely go for rehabilitation purposes, because during the workout we focused on lower back pain and after the workout I felt a clear difference. Randel is short on time, so he was sold on the time savings for the EMS training. Randel and Siim recommend EMS training to anyone with a busy lifestyle or a problematic pain that is holding back living a full life.
Watch the video to see how Randel and Siim did in the EMS training: