
The idea that it’s only worth seeing a physiotherapist when you’re already in trouble or in pain is very common. In fact, you don’t have to wait until you have an injury or a spasm in your bones or joints to see a physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy can also be used proactively, as it can go a long way towards preventing injuries and improving well-being.

Be proactive and aware

Prevention is the best cure for illness, which is why it’s worth booking an appointment with a physiotherapist before you’re in trouble.

A good physiotherapist immerses himself in the patient’s activities and lifestyle, and thus identifies not only the “distractions” that already exist, but also the physical health threats that may arise in the future.

Injuries can occur, for example, if a person who is otherwise fit and exercises regularly does not warm up at all or does so inefficiently before starting to exercise. Knowing this, a specialist can provide tips to help you stay in good shape and continue to exercise injury-free.

Often, when you consult a physiotherapist, you find that you are using your body a little incorrectly during certain activities (whether it’s sitting at your desk, playing sport or carrying your baby in your arms), and that this has led to, for example, group pain that doesn’t yet show up as pain. To prevent pain in the future, posture needs to be corrected proactively, and this is where a physiotherapist can help with their expertise.

Physiotherapy helps the body work to its full potential

Reakt Füsioteraapia physiotherapist Rainar Vahtrik agrees with the recommendations on prevention and confirms that it is not always necessary to see a physiotherapist with a specific problem. A simple routine check-up to make sure that physical fitness is up to scratch is also helpful.

Vahtrik explains that during the appointment, the specialist gets to know the patient by analysing their movement, posture and muscular condition. A personalised treatment plan is then created according to the patient’s desired goals.

“We use a systemic combination of manual therapy and movement to help the body work at its full potential and help patients achieve the best version of themselves,” she says. Vahtrik encourages people to book an appointment with a physiotherapist.

Focus on your well-being

Everyone goes through periods in their lives where they struggle with a diet and a chaotic lifestyle that has led to mental exhaustion. This in turn can lead to health problems and physical pain. Physiotherapy can also be a miracle worker in these periods, helping to change the way you look at your body. The more you take care of your body, the better your mental health will improve.

Because of old misconceptions, healthy people tend not to seek help from physiotherapy. In reality, however, physiotherapy not only helps to alleviate existing ailments, but also improves overall well-being and prevents many health problems.

If you’re interested in physiotherapy services, take a look at providers across Estonia on Stebby HERE

Thousands of other active ways to improve your well-being and stay in shape can be found on Stebby HERE.

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