It’s a well-known fact that the body needs exercise and that physical activity can help you get through difficult times and keep depression at bay. Likewise, mindfulness practices can help keep mental health in check. However, there has been very little research into whether the effects of exercise are enhanced and the ‘basics’ kept in order by combining physical and mental exercise.
Research published in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity sheds light on the issue and explains how things work.
Research from the University of Bath concludes that life changes that combine both physical activity and mindfulness practices are the most effective for boosting mood and improving health and wellbeing. The positive health effects of combining the two are greater than just going to the gym or engaging in mindfulness.
Uuring viitab, et mindfullness-tehnikad aitavad treenijal füüsilise treeningu tausta ja kasutegureid avada. Seega motiveerivad need treeningutega alustama, vajadusel aga trotsima ka ebamugavustunnet, kerget valu või ebaõnnestumisi, kui treenimine muutub raskeks.
The study suggests that mindfullness techniques can help trainers to unlock the background and benefits of physical training. They therefore motivate people to start exercising and, if necessary, to defy discomfort, mild pain or failure when exercise becomes difficult.
Masha Remskar, one of the study’s authors, said that as we know, starting to exercise can often be difficult and that’s where mindfullness can help. Namely, mindfulness practices can help to build the psychological strengths needed to train and stay on track with a training schedule. When you’re ‘in the moment’, you’re more in tune with your body, your workouts feel more interesting and their benefits are easier to understand. So by combining the two practices, you stay on track and improve both mind and body.
Remiskar explains that being present and mindful forces us to think differently from our normal way of life, makes us more resigned and thus less judgmental of our shortcomings and failures. This, in turn, helps to shape better health habits.
That said, just as physical exercise keeps the body healthy, mindfulness nourishes the brain. But the power of combining the two is even greater. Studies have shown that just 5-15 minutes of daily meditation is enough to rejuvenate yourself.
If you’re interested in mindfulness practices, you can find them on Stebby HERE. Find over 8500 more ways to invest in your well-being on